365 Days a year
Thredbo is a year round resort. Outside the ski season, there is bush walking (Mt Kosciuszko is 1.5 hours walk away), mountain biking, horse riding, white water rafting, fishing, Alpine Slide, Olympic swimming pool (indoors), tennis, and more.

Thredbo Lodge Information
What Facilities are there at the Thredbo Lodge?
There are 34 beds at the lodge; 13 two bed/bunk rooms, 1 three bunk room and 1 five bunk room. There are no double beds, however there is space for storing clothes etc. The lodge is equipped with blankets, doonas and pillows, so you need only bring sheets, pillow cases and towels, food, drink and personal belongings
There are 10 bathrooms, each with its own shower and toilet and 2 also contain a bath. The lodge is centrally heated and there is a large fireplace in the spacious living room. There is also a TV room with a video machine provided. Laundry and drying room facilities are well catered for and there is a ski locker/boot locker room for secure storage.
There is adequate day-to-day storage for foodstuffs and drinks, with a numbered cupboard in the kitchen for each cabin, and there is plenty of fridge space for the entire lodge in communal refrigerators. The lodge is self-catering and the large communal kitchen is complete with utensils, cutlery, crockery etc. There are microwaves, gas stoves/ovens, toasters, kettles etc.
What is expected of me and my guests at the Thredbo lodge?
This club and its lodges functions on the basis that members and guests do communal “chores” within the lodges. This helps to defray costs. To ensure the burden of chores is shared, there is a Chores Board in the Dining Room. This will let members and guests know what tasks are expected of them. The Manager will fill out the Chores Board. If you are in doubt about anything just ask the Manager or a more experienced member; it’s a friendly place.
On leaving you are required to leave the lodge as you would wish to find it. This means cleaning the kitchen and common areas behind you. Unused foodstuffs must be cleared from the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and either taken home, put in the rubbish bins, or, if appropriate, left for community use.
Is the Thredbo lodge open in summer?
Yes! Summer is most enjoyable in Thredbo and special events include mountain bike events, art exhibitions, Blues Festival, Jazz Festival, World Music Festival, etc
You can book summer accommodation via the Members Booking portal.
Where are the best places to eat and drink in Thredbo?
Burger Bar & Knickerbocker – My number one pick for value Thredbo Burger Bar
Breakfast – Cascades – in the village square. great buffet breakfast. Cascades Restaurant | Thredbo Alpine Hotel | Thredbo Resort
Village Bakery in the village square- good coffee & selection of pies & cakes
Denman – small bar / live music & great food
Candlelight Lodge – great food
How much does it cost to enter Kosciusko National Park?
Park entry fees:
Winter season (from the beginning of the June long weekend the end of the October long weekend), per vehicle per day.
Outside the winter season, cheaper but there are still charges per vehicle per day.
An annual NSW All Parks Pass (covers Kosciusko National Park) may be the best option for longer stays.
In winter for 2WD vehicles it is compulsory to carry properly fitting snow chains inside the national park.
See What’s On in Thredbo!
Directions: To drive to the lodge go past the first Thredbo turnoff coming from Jindabyne and take the second turn off up the hill into the village. Follow the road all the way round, lodge is directly behind the Fire Station.
Parking: There are two car spaces right out the front of the lodge for loading/unloading. Once unloaded you will need to park the cars in the overnight carpark which is about a 5 minute walk marked by the P on the map.
Address: 32 Bobuck Ln, Thredbo NSW 2625